REGEN was made for the Global Game Jam 2020. I participated in the development and design from the ground up with a team of 7, while also helping as a coach for all teams at the Thousand Oaks, CA jam site.
LOST LIGHT was made for the Global Game Jam 2021. It was made fully remote with a team of over 15 people., primarily students of Cal Lutheran University. It featured multiple levels made in entirely different art styles which honored different eras of games. I led the design and programming on the Atari level, where I developed an old school CRT screen-space shader and put dynamic lighting and reflections as a puzzle mechanic in an ADVENTURE style experience. I also helped develop the online text adventure game engine used to make the first level.
I presented our project at the USC jam site, and represented CLU at the USC Senior Games Expo. 
If you wish to play either game, click on the official GGJ pages in the underlined titles above or the images below.
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